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Friday, August 27, 2010

New Era Of 3D Technology

Now-a-days 3d technology very popular in all over world. In 1050 3D technology was seen first time in television. Gradually it became very popular among all people. When 3D technology improves ,then 3D movies are got huge success on big screen. Manufactures of television have started a way to bring the 3D viewing experience into the drawing room .

Basically there are two ways to watched 3D movies in cinema hall,those are using by polarization 3D glasses. It change the back and white color into colorful images. While this method are lunched then gradually it innovated,and there is a frame which is directly use front of the LCD shutter glasses. By which it filtered smooth and colorful view directly to the viewer.

In another method there are no need to use any glasses or frame .In this method there are use a lenses .It allowing the images to viewing as colorful directly without any using frames and glasses.

There are many branded company lunched their 3D HD TVs. Samsung,LG,Philps,Sony lunches their own 3D HD TVs in markets. When we talk about technology then 3Dtelevision has take the first .

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is the price of ipad in market ?

Prices of ipad are diffrent accroding to their models and memory  storeage.If a ipad having max memory,then it cost also maximum than other ipad which having less memory capability.Now there is a inovative model of ipad lunched ,which is more cost than the other ipad.Ipad are available in market with affordable price.Ipad are especially for those people who love to buying new gadgets.There are people who can not able to afford to buy this table pc they can buy this ipad which is fulfill their all wants.If you have a lesser budget,then you do not have to worry there are also available ipad in very cheapest price.It cost only $499.This ipad having 16 GB memory storage capacity.32GB memory storage ipad cost $599,it ia a very usefull when you use ipad for listen music,watching movies,gaming and reading e-books.If you are a businees man,and you have to always use more storage capable ipad.Which market price is $699,which have 64GB memory storage.If you need surffing net on your ipad then you have to add only $130  each model of above.Wi-Fi are more cheaper than 3G Model.Now-a-days a person always want to enovative himself for this purpose he always try to newly inovative technology.Regarding this factor ipad hel to full fill all desire of a person who want to use new techniques.

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